La Biblioteca
Lending Library of the AISPhila 2,000 books, in Italian and in English; arts, literature, fiction, geography, history and traditions, Italian language, children books, and more. You may borrow them or just seat down and read in one of our rooms. Go to our Biblioteca Here You can help us to grow La Biblioteca with donations For a donation of $1,000.00 or more you will be able to dedicate a bookcase, like this:
"In loving memory of Napoleone e Maria Gigliotti, da Gimigliano, Calabria"
"In honor of Lorenzo Da Ponte (1749-1838), Librettist, Professor, Purveyor of Italian Language Books" "In Memory of Beryl Rosenstock" "Elena, Suzanne, Norma e Daniel, studenti della classe 403C" "La famiglia di Victor Rossi" |